Chloride in drinking water may impart a salty taste and can be harmful to both the heart and the kidneys.
ColorWhile mild discoloration is not a factor of great health concern, it does detract from the appeal of your drinking water.
HardnessHardness is an indication of soap’s ability to clean. If your water is too hard, you’ll have to use more soap.
Iron / ManganeseExcessive iron and manganese levels can cause rust-like stains.
Nitrate / NitriteUsed to identify wastewater intrusion
OdorOdor sometimes provides the first warning of potential hazards.
pHWater with a low pH can cause deterioration of plumbing.
SulfateHigh levels of sulfate may cause diarrheah
Total Coliform Bacteria CountInvasive germs may cause disease.
TurbidityProvides a medium for microbial growth
Biomarine Research Corporation
16 East Main Street
Gloucester, MA 01930
Tel: 978.281.0222
Fax: 978.283.6296
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Open after hours by appointment
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Certified Laboratory #MA026
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accreditation #76643